Handmade Sashiko Holiday Gift Ideas

diy stitching Nov 26, 2020

What does a handmade Christmas look like?

This year I will be celebrating the holidays by making gifts for all my friends and family.

Growing up, my mother always encouraged me to make gifts because they meant so much more due to the time and consideration that goes into making them. At the time, I just wanted to buy gifts because, well, that’s what you were encouraged to do. It was the cool thing to do.

Because I have had a lot of time to think about things (thanks to Covid) I have come to appreciate my mother’s point of view. I am starting to see that holidays are an opportunity for big business to sell you something that you dont really need, which ultimately ends up in the rubbish heap.

You may have reached a similar mindset and are looking for ways to reduce your environmental footprint, express joy in the act of making, or perhaps even looking for presents that are gentle on your budget.

So I have put together a list of fun presents you can make, that incorporate the joy of stitching.

A handmade Christmas will look differently for everyone. You may want to use supplies you already have on hand. Or, you may repurpose things into something new.

I’ve rounded up a few of my favourite projects from my favourite bloggers! I know you’ll love these ideas because I want to make them too!



Needle book

These are so cute, quick to make, and a great present for anyone who sews.

via: Ann Wood Handmade


Sashiko Coaster

Because you can never have too many coasters.



Japanese Boro Knot Bag

Another quick project that is perfect for any female friends.

via: Pinterest


Sashiko Furoshiki Wrapping Cloth

Furoshiki (éĒĻ呂敷) are a type of traditional Japanese wrapping cloth traditionally used to transport clothes, gifts, or other goods and is the perfect way to recycle lovely bits of cloth. I love it because the wrapping becomes an additional present.


If you would like to learn how to stitch these patterns, you can learn through my online Sashiko Masterclass.

via: Pinterest


Sashiko Coin Purse

I just fell in love with the simplicity of this design.

via: Vicky Myers Creations


Are you inspired??

I want to see your creations! If you try one of these suggestions, tag me @zenstitching on Instagram or Facebook for your chance to be featured on my social media.

Hi, I'm Kate!

I am a strong believer in starting where you are and using what you have, wherever and whatever that may be.

Everyone should get to experience the joy of connecting to others through learning, experimenting, and creating.

Creativity doesn’t have to be expensive or wasteful. Whether we’re using natural materials, reusing materials, or shopping our own stashes first, creating mindfully goes beyond being present in the moment - it extends to being mindful of our environment and the other communities around us, too.