Sashiko Heart Pattern

stitching Apr 01, 2021

I have been developing some sashiko patterns that can be used to embellish or patch your favourite item of clothing.

Using a variation of the komezashi (rice stitch) this is perfect for strengthening your clothes in places which tend to wear out and need reinforcing. I really like this stitch for mending holes in jeans (like knees) because of the way the design is stitched, which reinforces the fabric by stitching : horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.


Like all hitomezashi designs (also known as one stitch sashiko, these designs are stitched on a grid and the stitches meet or cross to create a design) the stitches are the same length and are created using running stitch.

Did you know?

  • Rice stitch patterns, and their variations, are called this because the stitch is similar in size to a grain of rice.

  • During the Edo era in Japan (1603 - 1868) officials decreed that farmers could only wear blue or grey with patterns no larger than a grain of rice. It is said that this is the origin why sashiko stitches resemble grains of rice.

  • Rice stitch pattern got its name because it also represents the kanji character for rice.

Hi, I'm Kate!

I am a strong believer in starting where you are and using what you have, wherever and whatever that may be.

Everyone should get to experience the joy of connecting to others through learning, experimenting, and creating.

Creativity doesn’t have to be expensive or wasteful. Whether we’re using natural materials, reusing materials, or shopping our own stashes first, creating mindfully goes beyond being present in the moment - it extends to being mindful of our environment and the other communities around us, too.