Discover the Magic of Indigo

This introductory course will walk you through how to set up an indigo vat at home and explore different methods of creating patterns on fabric using Shibori resist techniques.

Your naturally dyed fabrics will make the perfect foundation for your Sashiko or other slow stitch projects!

Let's make magic >

Create unique, one-of-a-kind fabrics...


Build Foundational Knowledge

Learn from my experience and take some of the guesswork out of getting started with my suggestions for supplies and materials, and tips for getting vibrant results.


Explore Different Techniques

This course includes clear, step-by-step instructions for 20 different Shibori patterns that you can try out using different methods and resists.


Revisit the Course Any Time

With lifetime access to the recorded videos, and accompanying PDFs that you can download, you'll be able to return to the course content any time you need a refresher.

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Discover Indigo Magic

$149 USD gets you...

  • 30 videos with step by step instructions
  • Downloadable PDF worksheets to accompany each technique
  • Access to a private community where you can share your experiments
  • Ability to ask questions with a detailed response within 24 hours
  • Discover how to set up a fail proof indigo vat and how and when to revive an indigo vat
  • Lifetime access to the course content

Prices are shown in USD

Let's make magic!

What my students are saying ...

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Nice to meet you!

Hi, I'm Kate! I love travelling and the esoteric.

I've been a textile artist my whole life. Growing up in a creative family led me to study textiles at Art School twice, achieving both my Bachelor and Masters in Fine Arts. I've had some wonderful opportunities to combine my love of art with my love of travel, studying and creating all over the world. 

As well as my passion for textiles, it's also important to me to live meaningfully and sustainably. I rolled all these passions together with Zen Stitching, and by embracing the beautiful and practical designs of sashiko stitching, I'll help you not only mend your clothes, but also reduce textile waste and practice mindfulness.